On Wednesday, November 5, 2008, www.villageoflombard.org, the Village of Lombard Police under Ray Byrne and Dan Cuny, including the former chief of the Fire Department headed by George Seagraves and Keith Steiskal, Lombard Department of Buildings caused criminal disaster demolition following roofing destruction and water damages and losses to the Hung Family’s Lombard Historic Brick Bungalow, www.preservehistoricestate.zoomshare.com, at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Boulevard in the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois 60148-3028, in the , www.2008damagesandlossescausedbylombard.blogspot.com, United States of America. As a result of the Village of Lombard’s wrongful actions and criminal activities in Du Page County, Illinois, I, Gardenia Hung Wittler have become homeless and destitute. I am a Lombard victim of abuse and heinous hate crimes in Du Page County, Illinois USA. The Village of Lombard is denying me human rights in housing under the law by refusing to provide lawful lodging and compensation as a victim of heinous hate crimes and abuse to include the criminal disaster demolition of the Hung Family home in Du Page County, Illinois USA.
On November 14, 2008, Henry W. Hochstatter offered a car ride after meeting at the Grace Lutheran Community Church, at the corner of Princeton Street and St. Charles Road in Villa Park, a former resident in Addison, actually offered to provide transportation in his TOYOTA SUV SR5 in exchange for Shell Oil gasoline in the amount of $25.00US and to cover car gasoline expenses thereafter to and from homeless shelters at local churches sponsored under PADS Action in Housing based in Wheaton, Illinois.
After November 5, 2008, I had to stay at the Motel 66 on Roosevelt Road, in Villa Park, Illinois, for one night only, since the Lombard Fire Department would not pay for my lodging after the criminal disaster demolition of my Lombard home at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Boulevard in Du Page County, Illinois. The Village of Lombard made me homeless by their criminal activities and wrongful actions around the Hung Family real estate property. So I was advised by the Illinois Department of Human Services in Villa Park to go to Wheaton and register for Du Page PADS, Inc. located at 705 West Liberty, Wheaton, Illinois 60187, Telephone: (630) 682-3846, www.dupagepads.org , Shelter for the Homeless with local churches such as Peace Lutheran Church in Lombard, Grace Lutheran Church of Villa Park, Community Presbyterian Church of Glen Ellyn, Elmhurst, Downers Grove, Naperville, Carol Stream, Itasca, and other locations in Du Page County, Illinois. The Village of Lombard and David Hulseberg, Village Manager, have been refusing to provide lawful lodging and housing under the law following the criminal disaster demolition of my Lombard historic home owned by Mr. Roberto Hung and family in Du Page County, Illinois, in the United States of America.
On November 14, 2009, Henry William Hochstatter decided to rent an apartment owned by Alex King Construction, Inc. at 140 West St. Charles Road, Apartment 4B, Villa Park, Illinois 60181, USA, by referral from his cousin Charles “Chuck” Pickerill and his wife Karen Pickerill who had lived at the same building complex while leasing from Alex King, a friend of his father, former Fire Chief Charles Pickerill from the Villa Park Fire Department, Station No. 3 on Ardmore Street, near Willowbrook High School and the Islamic Foundation Center on Highridge Road in Villa Park, Illinois USA. For the last year, during December 2008 and the remainder of 2009, Henry W. Hochstatter had been sharing lodging with Gardenia C. Hung (Wittler) at the InTown Residential Suites, at the corner of Roosevelt Road and Villa Avenue in Villa Park, Illinois USA, near the Community Christian Church of Villa Park. During December 2008 and January 2009, Gardenia C. Hung (Wittler) first paid cash and credit with the VISA Chase card for the first floor lodging, Room 125, since Henry W. Hochstatter did not have any money to his name or in his pocket because his wife Joan Julia (Mueller) Hochstatter had demanded a divorce and cancelled the joint checking and savings account, while suspending his disability funds for lack of a residential address in Addison, Illinois; then, due to a traumatic brain injury disability, Henry W. Hochstatter was given Room 139 for disabled people at the InTown Residential Suites, where I, Gardenia C. Hung (Wittler) paid and shared lodging expenses to be paid by the week in cash or credit.
Since Chuck Pickerill did not provide enough cash or credit for Henry William Hochstatter to rent the apartment leased by Alex King Construction Inc., the Church of Christ on Villa Avenue in Addison, provided the cash deposit by check for Henry W. Hochstatter to rent the apartment on November 14, 2009. I, Gardenia C. Hung (Wittler) helped Henry W. Hochstatter complete the leasing form in writing in front of Alex King and Andy, his secretary at the office for Alex King Realty, Inc. at 140 West St. Charles Road, Villa Park, Illinois 60181, USA. Also, I helped to pay for the AT&T Telephone deposit for installation at the apartment since Henry W. Hochstatter did not have any money at the time. I have been helping Henry W. Hochstatter by paying expenses he had for cable installation, groceries, car gasoline, mobile telephone, VISA CHASE credit card charges, medications, personal toiletries, etc.
In addition, I, Gardenia C. Hung (Wittler) helped Henry W. Hochstatter move his personal and household belongings, hard metal tools, etc. from his Addison home at 437 Natalie Drive into two (2) units at the U-Store-It in Addison and from the InTown Residential Suites, Room 139, on the second floor to the second floor, up the stairs to Apartment 4B at 140 West St. Charles, Villa Park, Illinois 60181 USA.
During the same time, I was helping and driving trucks, cars, SUVs, at the UHAUL in Villa Park and in Addison, while his Uncle “Charlie” Pickerill was working there transporting UHAUL Truck, Trailers, and Wagons from Chicago, Forest Park, Oak Park, Iowa City, Arlington Heights, Downers Grove, Bloomingdale, DeKalb, and other locations because Chuck Pickerill was missing Andrew, Jacquie, and Casey Rae from his own family members, since neither Karen Pickerill, his wife, nor Kathy Nolet, were not driving any trucks anywhere—neither were Gary Nolet or Mike Nolet driving trucks for UHAUL. I had to pay for the UHAUL Trucks gasoline during the transportation from Iowa City to Villa Park, Illinois.
After Uncle Charlie Pickerill had a heart attack on Sunday, following his hunting mule deer in Montana, cousin Chuck Pickerill started screaming at people at the UHAUL in Villa Park, Illinois, USA.
Since UHAUL in Villa Park was short staffed, I had already driven an UHAUL Truck back from Arlington Heights along Palatine Road and Route 53, after 7:00 PM in the evening with Henry W. Hochstatter, who drove back another UHAUL truck himself.
High Hopes at Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital in Wheaton is a support group for victims of traumatic brain injury, also known as TBI.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Case No.: 2010LM002415
COURT HEARING: September 23, 2010,
10:00 AM, ROOM 1003
Now comes Gardenia C. Hung to appear and present a Motion for Objection to Dismiss Summons for Complaint in Forcible Entry and Detainer, in order to deny false allegations for wrongful actions filed by Lewis John Craft and Associates on behalf of Henry W. Hochstatter as Plaintiff, upon advise by a third party, (i.e. Charles “Chuck” Pickerill, Bobby Pickerill, and others in Villa Park, Illinois), not involved in this legal matter. Attached herewith is an Addendum to Exhibit A, Statement of Payments by Gardenia Hung during August and September 2010, with paid receipts as proof of cash and credit payments with CHASE VISA card. This Motion for Objection to Dismiss is based on legal grounds for illegal leasing documentation, incomplete leasing instrument provided by Henry William Hochstatter, without legal signature or prior consent from Gardenia C. Hung. There are no separate rooms, storage, or amenities for Gardenia C. Hung on the premises currently leased by Henry W. Hochstatter. Let it be known that Gardenia C. Hung does not have the keys to the apartment and has never been given the keys to the leased Apartment #4B owned by Alex King Construction, Inc. and leased by Henry W. Hochstatter.
Henry W. Hochstatter is demanding $3,420 dollars plus costs for rent and utilities at the same address from Gardenia C. Hung who has been paying more than $5,159 dollars in cash, Washington Mutual/CHASE Visa Credit charges, and helping with Rent, Utilities, Groceries for Good, Household Chores, Laundry, Moving his belongings, Cleaning, and Other Miscellaneous tasks since November 14, 2008. Gardenia C. Hung has never been given the keys to the leased Apartment #4B by Henry W. Hochstatter, current tenant under his name only.
For the record, Gardenia C. Hung, age 51 years old, is a U.S. citizen, former Lombard resident homeowner Victim of Criminal Disaster Demolition at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Blvd., in Du Page County, not legally married to Henry W. Hochstatter. Neither has Henry W. Hochstatter added Gardenia C. Hung’s name to the Savings Bank Account at Inland Bank in Villa Park nor to the Farmers’ Insurance Auto Policy or the Apartment Lease Contract signed with King Construction Inc. with a cash deposit payment of $1,165 dollars provided by the Church of Christ in Addison, or to the current utilities bill statements for ComEd Electric Company, AT&T Telephone, and/or Comcast Cable Television subscription, all current Rent and Utilities at 140 W. St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B in Villa Park remain in the name of Henry W. Hochstatter only. For the record, Gardenia C. Hung has never been given the keys to the leased Apartment #4B owned by Alex King Construction, Inc. and leased by Henry W. Hochstatter.
Both parties met at Grace Lutheran Church in Villa Park on November 7, and November 14-15, 2008, while both parties were homeless seeking shelter provided by PADS in Wheaton, Illinois. Then on November 15, 2008, Henry W. Hochstatter offered Gardenia C. Hung a car ride from the 7-Eleven Gas Station on St. Charles and Addison Road in exchange for Shell Oil gasoline purchased on Westmore-Meyers and Roosevelt Road in Lombard.
Gardenia C. Hung is currently working at the Deicke Home for the Retarded and assisting staff assigned only eight (8) hours a week in Lombard, upon referral and arrangement by the York Township General Assistance Director Diane Arturi and Pamela, receptionist.
Let it be known that Gardenia C. Hung has been paying cash, credit, telephone charges, and other services regularly for Henry W. Hochstatter while Plaintiff was homeless, without any cash funds from his disability in November and December 2008, due to his recent divorce from Joan Hochstatter Mueller, Addison resident homeowner, on May 5, 2010. During this period of separartion, Henry W. Hochstatter has received cash and gift credit cards from the Christian and Catholic community churches sponsored by PADS in Wheaton during 2009, in addition to other cash and gift credit cards received by Gardenia C. Hung and used by Henry W. Hochstatter.
During December 2009 and January 2010, I, Gardenia C. Hung , have paid more than $100.00 in cash with receipt from CHASE Bank in Oak Brook, and a notarized statement from the banker.
Plaintiff invited Gardenia Hung to stay at the same address since November 17, 2009. Henry W. Hochstatter has known Gardenia C. Hung since November 7, 2008 and November 14, 2008 in Villa Park, Illinois while staying at Motel 66 and Intown Residential Suites in Villa Park.
Since Henry W. Hochstatter moved to the same address, there have been several incidents of domestic violence filed as Villa Park Police Reports for domestic violence, threats, screaming, and aggressive behavior since Henry W. Hochstatter started working for Chuck Pickerill at UHAUL of Villa Park and moving to live at 140 West St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, in Villa Park owned by Alex King Construction, Inc. Case-in-point Villa Park Police Report No. 100215002701, February 15, 2010, Time: 18:04, Villa Park Police Department Phone: 630-834-7447, Officer's Name: Blake #353.
Gardenia C. Hung has paid in excess of $5,159 dollars in person to Henry W. Hochstatter, cash, credit, and other tangible items, goods, new clothing, medication, food, car gasoline for Toyota SUV R5, use of Lombard Post Office Box 1274, telephone deposits for AT&T, U.S. Cellular telephone payments, laundry, etc. Gardenia C. Hung has also incurred Chase VISA Credit Card Debt in the amount of $2,514.69 for lodging at Motel 66, InTown Residential Suites in Villa Park, Colonoscopy Medication, Aspirin, Tylenol, and other expenses on behalf of Henry W. Hochtstatter. In addition, Henry W. Hochstatter has received tangible goods such as a White 1993 Mitsubishi 4-Door Sedan, Sears Pro-Form Treadmill which was broken by Henry W. Hochstatter, Toro Snowblower, Wood Garden Chipper, Extended Metal Ladder, several Sears Craftman gardening tools, Ace Hardware White Foldable Fencing, Carpenter’s Leather Caddy, New Clothing, Shirts, T-Shirts, Pants, in excess of $5,600 dollars. Consequently, Henry W. Hochstatter owes Gardenia for CHASE VISA Credit Card charges, expenses, and interest accrued in the amount of $2,514.69 remaining balance not paid off, since November 17, 2009.
For the record, Henry W. Hochstatter is a disabled adult, age 55, who receives Social Security Disability and Medicare Health benefits monthly in the amount of $1,200 deposited monthly into a Savings Account at Inland Bank in Villa Park, plus Henry W. Hochstatter also works for U-Haul as a truck driver, transporter, and for The Next Generation Auto Shop, as well as for Alex King Construction, Inc. at 140 W. St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, in Villa Park, Illinois 60181. Henry W. Hochstatter receives payment in cash for other miscellaneous gardening jobs, tasks, handyman, gardening work, etc. Currently, Henry W. Hochstatter is leasing an apartment at King Construction, Inc. for $760.00 a month with a living subsidy for building maintenance, gardening and landscaping, etc. provided as a Cash Refund payment return by Alex King, owner of the building.
Since November 14, 2009, Henry W. Hochstatter does not pay Gardenia C. Hung any money, compensation or cash after moving from InTown Residential Suites to the apartment owned by King Construction Inc. on November 17, 2009, after she has helped this disabled man to move into his new apartment, even when Gardenia Hung has been helping him as a friend, companion, and assistant during his banking matters, social security suspension, divorce court matters, driver’s license return, laundry, household chores, moving from U-STORE-IT in Addison, and other miscellaneous issues as a victim of traumatic brain injury and disability. Henry W. Hochstatter was suffering from flu-like symptoms with coughing and dizziness which required to see Medical Doctor Eyad Homedi, M.D. Midwest Family Practice in Bloomingdale for the flu shot, and Doctor Uptal Parekh, M.D., Gastroenterologist and Internal Medicine specialist in Addison for a colonoscopy due to three (3) active colon ulcers. In addition, to seeing an ear specialist for treatment and removal of excessive earwax. Henry W. Hochstatter has a history of psychiatric care and hospitalization in Addison, DuPage County, Illinois.
In conclusion, Gardenia C. Hung has paid in excess of $5,159 dollars in person to Henry W. Hochstatter, cash, CHASE VISA credit in excess of $2,514.69, and other tangible items, goods, new clothing, medication, food, car gasoline for Toyota SUV R5, telephone deposits, laundry, etc. In addition, Henry W. Hochstatter has received tangible goods such as a White 1993 Mitsubishi 4-Door Sedan, Sears Pro-Form Treadmill which was broken by Henry W. Hochstatter, Toro Snowblower, Wood Garden Chipper, Extension Ladder, several Sears Craftman gardening tools, Ace Hardware White Foldable Fencing, Carpenter’s Leather Caddy, New Clothing, Shirts, T-Shirts, Pants, in excess of $5,600 dollars. Please note that Henry W. Hochstatter does not provide for personal expenses or any billing expenses incurred by Gardenia C. Hung. For the record, Henry W. Hochstatter has not been incurring expenses for clothing, shoes, personal items, vacation, valuables, or any luxury items on behalf of Gardenia C. Hung.
WHEREBY, Gardenia Hung does not owe Henry W. Hochstatter any further cash, credit, tangible goods, or assistance for disability as a traumatic brain injury person.
WHEREFORE, Gardenia Hung hereby presents a Motion for Objection To Dismiss the Summons for Complaint in Forcible Entry and Detainer by Counsel on behalf of Henry W. Hochstatter and prays for justice, equity, and fairness in this legal matter. This Motion for Objection to Dismiss is based on legal grounds for illegal leasing documentation, incomplete leasing instrument provided by Henry William Hochstatter, without legal signature or prior consent from Gardenia C. Hung. There are no separate rooms, storage, or amenities for Gardenia C. Hung on the premises currently leased by Henry W. Hochstatter. Let it be known that Gardenia C. Hung does not have the keys to the apartment and has never been given the keys to the leased Apartment #4B owned by Alex King Construction, Inc. and leased by Henry W. Hochstatter.
Furthermore, Gardenia C. Hung petitions for the Court’s Order of Protection while staying as a paying resident invited by Plaintiff at 140 West St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, Villa Park, Illinois 60181, owned by Alex King Construction, Inc.
Dated this 21st day of September in the year 2010,
Gardenia C. Hung
(Reserved Signature)
Post Office Box 1274
502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road
Lombard, Illinois 60148-8274
Telephone: 630-201-9055
Case No.: 2010LM002415, Henry W. Hochstatter vs. Gardenia Hung\
Addendum to Exhibit A
Statement of Payments
I, Gardenia C. Hung have been paying in person, cash, credit for CHASE VISA credit card charges, gasoline, Jewel/Osco groceries, dining out, during August and September 2010, with paid receipts as proof of cash and credit card payments made while staying/sharing an apartment with Henry W. Hochstatter at 140 W. St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, Villa Park, Illinois 60181.
August 2010
Cash for Gasoline, Dining Out, Lunch, Dinner $ 167.00
Jewel/Osco Groceries, Household $ 249.00
CHASE VISA Credit Card Charges/Interest $ 76.00
U.S. Cellular Telephone Mobile $ 83.00
Subtotal: $ 575.00
September 2010
Cash for Gasoline, Dining Out, Lunch, Dinner $ 167.00
Jewel/Osco Groceries, Household $ 249.00
CHASE VISA Credit Card Charges/Interest $ 76.00
U.S. Cellular Telephone Mobile $ 83.00
Subtotal: $ 575.00
Total: $1,150.00
To Date Grand Total: $6,309.00
Under penalties as provided by law, pursuant to Section 1-109 of the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure, the undersigned certifies that the statement set forth in this instrument are true and correct, to the best of my ability, so help me God.
Executed in the Village of Lombard, County of Du Page, in the State of Illinois,
United States of America.
Gardenia C. Hung
(Reserved Signature)
Dated on the 21st day of September 2010, in the Village of Lombard, County of Du Page, Illinois
Case No.: 2010LM002415
COURT HEARING: September 23, 2010,
10:00 AM, ROOM 1003
Now comes Gardenia C. Hung to appear and present a Motion for Objection to Dismiss Summons for Complaint in Forcible Entry and Detainer, in order to deny false allegations for wrongful actions filed by Lewis John Craft and Associates on behalf of Henry W. Hochstatter as Plaintiff, upon advise by a third party, (i.e. Charles “Chuck” Pickerill, Bobby Pickerill, and others in Villa Park, Illinois), not involved in this legal matter. Attached herewith is an Addendum to Exhibit A, Statement of Payments by Gardenia Hung during August and September 2010, with paid receipts as proof of cash and credit payments with CHASE VISA card. This Motion for Objection to Dismiss is based on legal grounds for illegal leasing documentation, incomplete leasing instrument provided by Henry William Hochstatter, without legal signature or prior consent from Gardenia C. Hung. There are no separate rooms, storage, or amenities for Gardenia C. Hung on the premises currently leased by Henry W. Hochstatter. Let it be known that Gardenia C. Hung does not have the keys to the apartment and has never been given the keys to the leased Apartment #4B owned by Alex King Construction, Inc. and leased by Henry W. Hochstatter.
Henry W. Hochstatter is demanding $3,420 dollars plus costs for rent and utilities at the same address from Gardenia C. Hung who has been paying more than $5,159 dollars in cash, Washington Mutual/CHASE Visa Credit charges, and helping with Rent, Utilities, Groceries for Good, Household Chores, Laundry, Moving his belongings, Cleaning, and Other Miscellaneous tasks since November 14, 2008. Gardenia C. Hung has never been given the keys to the leased Apartment #4B by Henry W. Hochstatter, current tenant under his name only.
For the record, Gardenia C. Hung, age 51 years old, is a U.S. citizen, former Lombard resident homeowner Victim of Criminal Disaster Demolition at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Blvd., in Du Page County, not legally married to Henry W. Hochstatter. Neither has Henry W. Hochstatter added Gardenia C. Hung’s name to the Savings Bank Account at Inland Bank in Villa Park nor to the Farmers’ Insurance Auto Policy or the Apartment Lease Contract signed with King Construction Inc. with a cash deposit payment of $1,165 dollars provided by the Church of Christ in Addison, or to the current utilities bill statements for ComEd Electric Company, AT&T Telephone, and/or Comcast Cable Television subscription, all current Rent and Utilities at 140 W. St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B in Villa Park remain in the name of Henry W. Hochstatter only. For the record, Gardenia C. Hung has never been given the keys to the leased Apartment #4B owned by Alex King Construction, Inc. and leased by Henry W. Hochstatter.
Both parties met at Grace Lutheran Church in Villa Park on November 7, and November 14-15, 2008, while both parties were homeless seeking shelter provided by PADS in Wheaton, Illinois. Then on November 15, 2008, Henry W. Hochstatter offered Gardenia C. Hung a car ride from the 7-Eleven Gas Station on St. Charles and Addison Road in exchange for Shell Oil gasoline purchased on Westmore-Meyers and Roosevelt Road in Lombard.
Gardenia C. Hung is currently working at the Deicke Home for the Retarded and assisting staff assigned only eight (8) hours a week in Lombard, upon referral and arrangement by the York Township General Assistance Director Diane Arturi and Pamela, receptionist.
Let it be known that Gardenia C. Hung has been paying cash, credit, telephone charges, and other services regularly for Henry W. Hochstatter while Plaintiff was homeless, without any cash funds from his disability in November and December 2008, due to his recent divorce from Joan Hochstatter Mueller, Addison resident homeowner, on May 5, 2010. During this period of separartion, Henry W. Hochstatter has received cash and gift credit cards from the Christian and Catholic community churches sponsored by PADS in Wheaton during 2009, in addition to other cash and gift credit cards received by Gardenia C. Hung and used by Henry W. Hochstatter.
During December 2009 and January 2010, I, Gardenia C. Hung , have paid more than $100.00 in cash with receipt from CHASE Bank in Oak Brook, and a notarized statement from the banker.
Plaintiff invited Gardenia Hung to stay at the same address since November 17, 2009. Henry W. Hochstatter has known Gardenia C. Hung since November 7, 2008 and November 14, 2008 in Villa Park, Illinois while staying at Motel 66 and Intown Residential Suites in Villa Park.
Since Henry W. Hochstatter moved to the same address, there have been several incidents of domestic violence filed as Villa Park Police Reports for domestic violence, threats, screaming, and aggressive behavior since Henry W. Hochstatter started working for Chuck Pickerill at UHAUL of Villa Park and moving to live at 140 West St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, in Villa Park owned by Alex King Construction, Inc. Case-in-point Villa Park Police Report No. 100215002701, February 15, 2010, Time: 18:04, Villa Park Police Department Phone: 630-834-7447, Officer's Name: Blake #353.
Gardenia C. Hung has paid in excess of $5,159 dollars in person to Henry W. Hochstatter, cash, credit, and other tangible items, goods, new clothing, medication, food, car gasoline for Toyota SUV R5, use of Lombard Post Office Box 1274, telephone deposits for AT&T, U.S. Cellular telephone payments, laundry, etc. Gardenia C. Hung has also incurred Chase VISA Credit Card Debt in the amount of $2,514.69 for lodging at Motel 66, InTown Residential Suites in Villa Park, Colonoscopy Medication, Aspirin, Tylenol, and other expenses on behalf of Henry W. Hochtstatter. In addition, Henry W. Hochstatter has received tangible goods such as a White 1993 Mitsubishi 4-Door Sedan, Sears Pro-Form Treadmill which was broken by Henry W. Hochstatter, Toro Snowblower, Wood Garden Chipper, Extended Metal Ladder, several Sears Craftman gardening tools, Ace Hardware White Foldable Fencing, Carpenter’s Leather Caddy, New Clothing, Shirts, T-Shirts, Pants, in excess of $5,600 dollars. Consequently, Henry W. Hochstatter owes Gardenia for CHASE VISA Credit Card charges, expenses, and interest accrued in the amount of $2,514.69 remaining balance not paid off, since November 17, 2009.
For the record, Henry W. Hochstatter is a disabled adult, age 55, who receives Social Security Disability and Medicare Health benefits monthly in the amount of $1,200 deposited monthly into a Savings Account at Inland Bank in Villa Park, plus Henry W. Hochstatter also works for U-Haul as a truck driver, transporter, and for The Next Generation Auto Shop, as well as for Alex King Construction, Inc. at 140 W. St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, in Villa Park, Illinois 60181. Henry W. Hochstatter receives payment in cash for other miscellaneous gardening jobs, tasks, handyman, gardening work, etc. Currently, Henry W. Hochstatter is leasing an apartment at King Construction, Inc. for $760.00 a month with a living subsidy for building maintenance, gardening and landscaping, etc. provided as a Cash Refund payment return by Alex King, owner of the building.
Since November 14, 2009, Henry W. Hochstatter does not pay Gardenia C. Hung any money, compensation or cash after moving from InTown Residential Suites to the apartment owned by King Construction Inc. on November 17, 2009, after she has helped this disabled man to move into his new apartment, even when Gardenia Hung has been helping him as a friend, companion, and assistant during his banking matters, social security suspension, divorce court matters, driver’s license return, laundry, household chores, moving from U-STORE-IT in Addison, and other miscellaneous issues as a victim of traumatic brain injury and disability. Henry W. Hochstatter was suffering from flu-like symptoms with coughing and dizziness which required to see Medical Doctor Eyad Homedi, M.D. Midwest Family Practice in Bloomingdale for the flu shot, and Doctor Uptal Parekh, M.D., Gastroenterologist and Internal Medicine specialist in Addison for a colonoscopy due to three (3) active colon ulcers. In addition, to seeing an ear specialist for treatment and removal of excessive earwax. Henry W. Hochstatter has a history of psychiatric care and hospitalization in Addison, DuPage County, Illinois.
In conclusion, Gardenia C. Hung has paid in excess of $5,159 dollars in person to Henry W. Hochstatter, cash, CHASE VISA credit in excess of $2,514.69, and other tangible items, goods, new clothing, medication, food, car gasoline for Toyota SUV R5, telephone deposits, laundry, etc. In addition, Henry W. Hochstatter has received tangible goods such as a White 1993 Mitsubishi 4-Door Sedan, Sears Pro-Form Treadmill which was broken by Henry W. Hochstatter, Toro Snowblower, Wood Garden Chipper, Extension Ladder, several Sears Craftman gardening tools, Ace Hardware White Foldable Fencing, Carpenter’s Leather Caddy, New Clothing, Shirts, T-Shirts, Pants, in excess of $5,600 dollars. Please note that Henry W. Hochstatter does not provide for personal expenses or any billing expenses incurred by Gardenia C. Hung. For the record, Henry W. Hochstatter has not been incurring expenses for clothing, shoes, personal items, vacation, valuables, or any luxury items on behalf of Gardenia C. Hung.
WHEREBY, Gardenia Hung does not owe Henry W. Hochstatter any further cash, credit, tangible goods, or assistance for disability as a traumatic brain injury person.
WHEREFORE, Gardenia Hung hereby presents a Motion for Objection To Dismiss the Summons for Complaint in Forcible Entry and Detainer by Counsel on behalf of Henry W. Hochstatter and prays for justice, equity, and fairness in this legal matter. This Motion for Objection to Dismiss is based on legal grounds for illegal leasing documentation, incomplete leasing instrument provided by Henry William Hochstatter, without legal signature or prior consent from Gardenia C. Hung. There are no separate rooms, storage, or amenities for Gardenia C. Hung on the premises currently leased by Henry W. Hochstatter. Let it be known that Gardenia C. Hung does not have the keys to the apartment and has never been given the keys to the leased Apartment #4B owned by Alex King Construction, Inc. and leased by Henry W. Hochstatter.
Furthermore, Gardenia C. Hung petitions for the Court’s Order of Protection while staying as a paying resident invited by Plaintiff at 140 West St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, Villa Park, Illinois 60181, owned by Alex King Construction, Inc.
Dated this 21st day of September in the year 2010,
Gardenia C. Hung
(Reserved Signature)
Post Office Box 1274
502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road
Lombard, Illinois 60148-8274
Telephone: 630-201-9055
Case No.: 2010LM002415, Henry W. Hochstatter vs. Gardenia Hung\
Addendum to Exhibit A
Statement of Payments
I, Gardenia C. Hung have been paying in person, cash, credit for CHASE VISA credit card charges, gasoline, Jewel/Osco groceries, dining out, during August and September 2010, with paid receipts as proof of cash and credit card payments made while staying/sharing an apartment with Henry W. Hochstatter at 140 W. St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, Villa Park, Illinois 60181.
August 2010
Cash for Gasoline, Dining Out, Lunch, Dinner $ 167.00
Jewel/Osco Groceries, Household $ 249.00
CHASE VISA Credit Card Charges/Interest $ 76.00
U.S. Cellular Telephone Mobile $ 83.00
Subtotal: $ 575.00
September 2010
Cash for Gasoline, Dining Out, Lunch, Dinner $ 167.00
Jewel/Osco Groceries, Household $ 249.00
CHASE VISA Credit Card Charges/Interest $ 76.00
U.S. Cellular Telephone Mobile $ 83.00
Subtotal: $ 575.00
Total: $1,150.00
To Date Grand Total: $6,309.00
Under penalties as provided by law, pursuant to Section 1-109 of the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure, the undersigned certifies that the statement set forth in this instrument are true and correct, to the best of my ability, so help me God.
Executed in the Village of Lombard, County of Du Page, in the State of Illinois,
United States of America.
Gardenia C. Hung
(Reserved Signature)
Dated on the 21st day of September 2010, in the Village of Lombard, County of Du Page, Illinois
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
"Remembering What I Forgot: Everyday Memory Aids" by Jordan Stewart, M. Ed., CCC-SLP
Memory is an electrochemical process. Indelible memories result from changes in the nervous system's function on brain cells. There are different types of memory: automatic for procedural tasks; semantic for general information; episodic for specific experiences; script for generalized experiences; and visual versus verbal memory.
Variable factors can influence and impact memory: amounts of sleep, alertness, age, environment, emotions, cognitive effort, storage/retrieval practices.
Brain structure and function can affect memory. The frontal lobes allow a sense of self, arousal, judgement, higher level thinking skills, emotional response, language, personality, word associations, "motor" memory. The parietal lobes provide a perception of touch, voluntary movement, visual perception, sensory integration. The temporal lobes allow long-term memory, categorization, auditory perception. The occipital lobes enhance visual perception.
Deficits Caused by Traumatic Brain Injury Do Impact Memory
Damage to the frontal lobes can affect sequencing information, perserveration, spontaneity, flexibility, attention/concentration, emotional stability, imagination, expressive communication.
Injury to the parietal lobes can impair naming objects, writing words, multi-tasking, divided attention, hand-to-eye coordination, awareness of body in space.
Traumatic damage to the temporal lobes cause memory loss in remembering names and faces, reception communication, identifying/naming objects, short-term memory, sexual interest, categorization.
Impairment of the occipital lobes hinders visual understanding, word/color recognition, academic skills (reading/writing).
Mnemonic Acronyms for Memory Recall include W-R-A-P: Write, Repeat, Association, Picture.
State-of-the-art Memory Aids in the 21st century include the computer, hardware and software, the telephone, cellular or mobile, the iPad devices.
How Can You Utilize Existing Technology To Assist YYou With Memory Recall?
Keys Words To Memory Include: Consistency, Practice, Confidence, Assistance.
From Marianjoy Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare, High Hopes Brain Injury Support Group, "Remembering What I Forgot: Everyday Memory Aids". For more information, contact Dr. Nancy Devereux, Telephone: (630) 909-8607
Variable factors can influence and impact memory: amounts of sleep, alertness, age, environment, emotions, cognitive effort, storage/retrieval practices.
Brain structure and function can affect memory. The frontal lobes allow a sense of self, arousal, judgement, higher level thinking skills, emotional response, language, personality, word associations, "motor" memory. The parietal lobes provide a perception of touch, voluntary movement, visual perception, sensory integration. The temporal lobes allow long-term memory, categorization, auditory perception. The occipital lobes enhance visual perception.
Deficits Caused by Traumatic Brain Injury Do Impact Memory
Damage to the frontal lobes can affect sequencing information, perserveration, spontaneity, flexibility, attention/concentration, emotional stability, imagination, expressive communication.
Injury to the parietal lobes can impair naming objects, writing words, multi-tasking, divided attention, hand-to-eye coordination, awareness of body in space.
Traumatic damage to the temporal lobes cause memory loss in remembering names and faces, reception communication, identifying/naming objects, short-term memory, sexual interest, categorization.
Impairment of the occipital lobes hinders visual understanding, word/color recognition, academic skills (reading/writing).
Mnemonic Acronyms for Memory Recall include W-R-A-P: Write, Repeat, Association, Picture.
State-of-the-art Memory Aids in the 21st century include the computer, hardware and software, the telephone, cellular or mobile, the iPad devices.
How Can You Utilize Existing Technology To Assist YYou With Memory Recall?
Keys Words To Memory Include: Consistency, Practice, Confidence, Assistance.
From Marianjoy Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare, High Hopes Brain Injury Support Group, "Remembering What I Forgot: Everyday Memory Aids". For more information, contact Dr. Nancy Devereux, Telephone: (630) 909-8607
Friday, August 27, 2010
False Allegations and Wrongful Charges in Response to Summons Complaint
Defendant )
) Case No.: 2010LM002415
COURT HEARING: August 11, 2010, 9:00 AM, ROOM 1003
Now comes Gardenia C. Hung to appear for a court hearing in response to the Summons for Complaint in Forcible Entry and Detainer, in order to deny false allegations for wrongful actions filed by Lewis John Craft and Associates on behalf of Henry W. Hochstatter as Plaintiff, upon advise by a third party, not involved in this legal matter.
Henry W. Hochstatter is demanding $3,420 dollars plus costs for rent and utilities at 140 West St. Charles Road, Apt. B in Villa Park, Illinois 60181 from Gardenia C. Hung who has been paying more than $5,159 dollars in cash, CHASE Visa Credit charges, and helping with groceries for food, household chores, laundry, moving his belongings, cleaning, and other miscellaneous tasks since November 14, 2008.
Please note that Henry W. Hochstatter claimed to the U.S. Census Bureau that I, Gardenia C. Hung did not live at 140 West St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, Villa Park, Illinois 60181, even when Henry W. Hochstatter asked Gardenia C. Hung to help him move on November 14, 2010. I have been staying at the same address since November 17, 2009. Henry W. Hochstatter has known Gardenia C. Hung since November 7, 2008 and November 14, 2008 in Villa Park, Illinois.
Since Henry W. Hochstatter moved to the same address, there have been several incidents of domestic violence filed as Villa Park Police Reports for domestic violence, threats, screaming, and aggressive behavior since Henry W. Hochstatter started working for Chuck Pickerill at UHAUL of Villa Park and moving to live at 140 West St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, in Villa Park owned by Alex King Construction, Inc. Case-in-point Villa Park Police Report No. 100215002701, February 15, 2010, Time: 18:04, Villa Park Police Department Phone: 630-834-7447, Officer's Name: Blake #353.
Gardenia C. Hung has paid in excess of $5,159 dollars in person to Henry W. Hochstatter, cash, credit, and other tangible items, goods, new clothing, medication, food, car gasoline for Toyota SUV R5, use of Lombard Post Office Box 1274, telephone deposits for AT&T, U.S. Cellular telephone payments, laundry, etc. Gardenia C. Hung has also incurred Chase VISA Credit Card Debt in the amount of $2,514.69 for lodging at Motel 66, InTown Residential Suites in Villa Park, Colonoscopy Medication, Aspirin, Tylenol, and other expenses on behalf of Henry W. Hochtstatter. In addition, Henry W. Hochstatter has received tangible goods such as a White 1993 Mitsubishi 4-Door Sedan, Sears Pro-Form Treadmill which was broken by Henry W. Hochstatter, Toro Snowblower, Wood Garden Chipper, several Sears Craftman gardening tools, Ace Hardware White Foldable Fencing, Carpenter’s Leather Caddy, New Clothing, Shirts, T-Shirts, Pants, in excess of $5,600 dollars. Consequently, Henry W. Hochstatter owes Gardenia for CHASE VISA Credit Card charges, expenses, and interest accrued since December 8, 2008.
For the record, Henry W. Hochstatter is a disabled adult, age 55, who receives Social Security Disability benefits monthly in the amount of $1,200, plus Henry W. Hochstatter also works for U-Haul as a truck driver, transporter, and for The Next Generation Auto Shop, as well as for Alex King Construction, Inc. at 140 W. St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, in Villa Park, Illlinois 60181. Henry W. Hochstatter receives payment in cash for other miscellaneous gardening jobs, tasks, handyman, gardening work, etc.
Since November 14, 2009, Henry W. Hochstatter does not pay Gardenia C. Hung any money, compensation or cash after moving from InTown Residential Suites to the apartment owned by King Construction Inc. on November 17, 2009, after she has helped this disabled man to move into his new apartment, even when Gardenia Hung has been helping him as a friend, companion, and assistant during his banking matters, social security suspension, divorce court matters, driver’s license return, laundry, household chores, moving from U-STORE-IT in Addison, and other miscellaneous issues as a victim of traumatic brain injury and disability.
In conclusion, Gardenia C. Hung has paid in excess of $5,159 dollars in person to Henry W. Hochstatter, cash, CHASE VISA credit in excess of $2,514.69, and other tangible items, goods, new clothing, medication, food, car gasoline for Toyota SUV R5, telephone deposits, laundry, etc. In addition, Henry W. Hochstatter has received tangible goods such as a White 1993 Mitsubishi 4-Door Sedan, Sears Pro-Form Treadmill which was broken by Henry W. Hochstatter, Toro Snowblower, Wood Garden Chipper, Extension Ladder, several Sears Craftman gardening tools, Ace Hardware White Foldable Fencing, Carpenter’s Leather Caddy, New Clothing, Shirts, T-Shirts, Pants, in excess of $5,600 dollars.
WHEREBY, Gardenia C. Hung does not owe Henry W. Hochstatter any further cash, credit, tangible goods, or assistance for disability as a traumatic brain injury person.
Dated this 24th day of August in the year 2010,
Gardenia C. Hung
Post Office Box 1274
502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road
Lombard, Illinois 60148-8274
Telephone: 630-201-9055
Defendant )
) Case No.: 2010LM002415
COURT HEARING: August 11, 2010, 9:00 AM, ROOM 1003
Now comes Gardenia C. Hung to appear for a court hearing in response to the Summons for Complaint in Forcible Entry and Detainer, in order to deny false allegations for wrongful actions filed by Lewis John Craft and Associates on behalf of Henry W. Hochstatter as Plaintiff, upon advise by a third party, not involved in this legal matter.
Henry W. Hochstatter is demanding $3,420 dollars plus costs for rent and utilities at 140 West St. Charles Road, Apt. B in Villa Park, Illinois 60181 from Gardenia C. Hung who has been paying more than $5,159 dollars in cash, CHASE Visa Credit charges, and helping with groceries for food, household chores, laundry, moving his belongings, cleaning, and other miscellaneous tasks since November 14, 2008.
Please note that Henry W. Hochstatter claimed to the U.S. Census Bureau that I, Gardenia C. Hung did not live at 140 West St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, Villa Park, Illinois 60181, even when Henry W. Hochstatter asked Gardenia C. Hung to help him move on November 14, 2010. I have been staying at the same address since November 17, 2009. Henry W. Hochstatter has known Gardenia C. Hung since November 7, 2008 and November 14, 2008 in Villa Park, Illinois.
Since Henry W. Hochstatter moved to the same address, there have been several incidents of domestic violence filed as Villa Park Police Reports for domestic violence, threats, screaming, and aggressive behavior since Henry W. Hochstatter started working for Chuck Pickerill at UHAUL of Villa Park and moving to live at 140 West St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, in Villa Park owned by Alex King Construction, Inc. Case-in-point Villa Park Police Report No. 100215002701, February 15, 2010, Time: 18:04, Villa Park Police Department Phone: 630-834-7447, Officer's Name: Blake #353.
Gardenia C. Hung has paid in excess of $5,159 dollars in person to Henry W. Hochstatter, cash, credit, and other tangible items, goods, new clothing, medication, food, car gasoline for Toyota SUV R5, use of Lombard Post Office Box 1274, telephone deposits for AT&T, U.S. Cellular telephone payments, laundry, etc. Gardenia C. Hung has also incurred Chase VISA Credit Card Debt in the amount of $2,514.69 for lodging at Motel 66, InTown Residential Suites in Villa Park, Colonoscopy Medication, Aspirin, Tylenol, and other expenses on behalf of Henry W. Hochtstatter. In addition, Henry W. Hochstatter has received tangible goods such as a White 1993 Mitsubishi 4-Door Sedan, Sears Pro-Form Treadmill which was broken by Henry W. Hochstatter, Toro Snowblower, Wood Garden Chipper, several Sears Craftman gardening tools, Ace Hardware White Foldable Fencing, Carpenter’s Leather Caddy, New Clothing, Shirts, T-Shirts, Pants, in excess of $5,600 dollars. Consequently, Henry W. Hochstatter owes Gardenia for CHASE VISA Credit Card charges, expenses, and interest accrued since December 8, 2008.
For the record, Henry W. Hochstatter is a disabled adult, age 55, who receives Social Security Disability benefits monthly in the amount of $1,200, plus Henry W. Hochstatter also works for U-Haul as a truck driver, transporter, and for The Next Generation Auto Shop, as well as for Alex King Construction, Inc. at 140 W. St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, in Villa Park, Illlinois 60181. Henry W. Hochstatter receives payment in cash for other miscellaneous gardening jobs, tasks, handyman, gardening work, etc.
Since November 14, 2009, Henry W. Hochstatter does not pay Gardenia C. Hung any money, compensation or cash after moving from InTown Residential Suites to the apartment owned by King Construction Inc. on November 17, 2009, after she has helped this disabled man to move into his new apartment, even when Gardenia Hung has been helping him as a friend, companion, and assistant during his banking matters, social security suspension, divorce court matters, driver’s license return, laundry, household chores, moving from U-STORE-IT in Addison, and other miscellaneous issues as a victim of traumatic brain injury and disability.
In conclusion, Gardenia C. Hung has paid in excess of $5,159 dollars in person to Henry W. Hochstatter, cash, CHASE VISA credit in excess of $2,514.69, and other tangible items, goods, new clothing, medication, food, car gasoline for Toyota SUV R5, telephone deposits, laundry, etc. In addition, Henry W. Hochstatter has received tangible goods such as a White 1993 Mitsubishi 4-Door Sedan, Sears Pro-Form Treadmill which was broken by Henry W. Hochstatter, Toro Snowblower, Wood Garden Chipper, Extension Ladder, several Sears Craftman gardening tools, Ace Hardware White Foldable Fencing, Carpenter’s Leather Caddy, New Clothing, Shirts, T-Shirts, Pants, in excess of $5,600 dollars.
WHEREBY, Gardenia C. Hung does not owe Henry W. Hochstatter any further cash, credit, tangible goods, or assistance for disability as a traumatic brain injury person.
Dated this 24th day of August in the year 2010,
Gardenia C. Hung
Post Office Box 1274
502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road
Lombard, Illinois 60148-8274
Telephone: 630-201-9055
Exhibit A, Statement of Payments, Response to Summons
Defendant )
) Case No.: 2010LM002415
COURT HEARING: August 26, 2010,
10:00 AM, ROOM 1003
Now comes Gardenia C. Hung to appear for a trial court hearing to present a Statement of Expenses, Exhibit A, for Rent, Utilities, and Other Expenses Paid To Henry W. Hochstatter since November 14, 2008, and November 17, 2009, in response to the Summons for Complaint in Forcible Entry and Detainer, in order to deny false allegations for wrongful actions filed by Lewis John Craft and Associates on behalf of Henry W. Hochstatter as Plaintiff, upon advise by a third party, not involved in this legal matter. Attached herewith is Exhibit A, Statement of Payments by Gardenia Hung, with paid receipts as proof of payments, to include Rent Receipt paid in cash, while others have been paid by personal check from CHASE Bank, Standard Bank & Trust Company.
Henry W. Hochstatter is demanding $3,420 dollars plus costs for rent and utilities at 140 West St. Charles Road, Apt. B in Villa Park, Illinois 60181 from Gardenia C. Hung who has been paying more than $5,159 dollars in cash, CHASE Visa Credit charges, and helping with Rent, Utilities, Groceries for Good, Household Chores, Laundry, Moving his belongings, Cleaning, and Other Miscellaneous tasks since November 14, 2008.
The following individuals are witnesses to the fact that I have paid cash, credit, telephone charges, and other services for Henry W. Hochstatter while Plaintiff was homeless, without any cash funds from his disability in November and December 2008, due to his recent divorce from Joan Hochstatter Mueller, Addison resident :
InTown Residential Suites, Managers, Steve Schneider, Joe Popek, Lindsay, and others at 350 East Roosevelt Road, Villa Park, Illinois 60181, Telephone: 630-941-9075 from December 31, 2008 to November 17, 2009. During the moving process to 140 West St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, Villa Park, Illinois 60181, Henry W. Hochstatters used our cash deposit for $50.00 at InTown Residential Suites to pay Charlie, a friend, to help him move to the King Construction Building on November 17, 2009. Also, I paid cash to Plaintiff which was used to paid Chuck Pickerill at UHAUL in Villa Park. In addition, Plaintiff has paid cash to Sidney Williams in the amount of $25.00 and other individuals from the cash funds Gardenia Hung has provided for Rent and Utilities. In addition, Plaintiff has paid cash to Farmers Insurance Group, in care of Margaret Ward at 900 Jorie Boulevard, Suite #19, Oak Brook, Illinois 60523.
Motel 66, Roosevelt Road, Villa Park, Illinois 60181, during December 2008.
During December 2009 and January 2010, I paid more than $100.00 in cash with receipt from CHASE Bank in Oak Brook, with a notarized statement from the banker.
Plaintiff invited Gardenia Hung to stay at the same address since November 17, 2009. Henry W. Hochstatter has known Gardenia C. Hung since November 7, 2008 and November 14, 2008 in Villa Park, Illinois while staying at Motel 66 and Intown Residential Suites in Villa Park.
Since Henry W. Hochstatter moved to the same address, there have been several incidents of domestic violence filed as Villa Park Police Reports for domestic violence, threats, screaming, and aggressive behavior since Henry W. Hochstatter started working for Chuck Pickerill at UHAUL of Villa Park and moving to live at 140 West St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, in Villa Park owned by Alex King Construction, Inc. Case-in-point Villa Park Police Report No. 100215002701, February 15, 2010, Time: 18:04, Villa Park Police Department Phone: 630-834-7447, Officer's Name: Blake #353.
Gardenia C. Hung has paid in excess of $5,159 dollars in person to Henry W. Hochstatter, cash, credit, and other tangible items, goods, new clothing, medication, food, car gasoline for Toyota SUV R5, use of Lombard Post Office Box 1274, telephone deposits for AT&T, U.S. Cellular telephone payments, laundry, etc. Gardenia C. Hung has also incurred Chase VISA Credit Card Debt in the amount of $2,514.69 for lodging at Motel 66, InTown Residential Suites in Villa Park, Colonoscopy Medication, Aspirin, Tylenol, and other expenses on behalf of Henry W. Hochtstatter. In addition, Henry W. Hochstatter has received tangible goods such as a White 1993 Mitsubishi 4-Door Sedan, Sears Pro-Form Treadmill which was broken by Henry W. Hochstatter, Toro Snowblower, Wood Garden Chipper, Extended Metal Ladder, several Sears Craftman gardening tools, Ace Hardware White Foldable Fencing, Carpenter’s Leather Caddy, New Clothing, Shirts, T-Shirts, Pants, in excess of $5,600 dollars. Consequently, Henry W. Hochstatter owes Gardenia for CHASE VISA Credit Card charges, expenses, and interest accrued since December 8, 2008.
For the record, Henry W. Hochstatter is a disabled adult, age 55, who receives Social Security Disability benefits monthly in the amount of $1,200, plus Henry W. Hochstatter also works for U-Haul as a truck driver, transporter, and for The Next Generation Auto Shop, as well as for Alex King Construction, Inc. at 140 W. St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, in Villa Park, Illinois 60181. Henry W. Hochstatter receives payment in cash for other miscellaneous gardening jobs, tasks, handyman, gardening work, etc.
Since November 14, 2009, Henry W. Hochstatter does not pay Gardenia C. Hung any money, compensation or cash after moving from InTown Residential Suites to the apartment owned by King Construction Inc. on November 17, 2009, after she has helped this disabled man to move into his new apartment, even when Gardenia Hung has been helping him as a friend, companion, and assistant during his banking matters, social security suspension, divorce court matters, driver’s license return, laundry, household chores, moving from U-STORE-IT in Addison, and other miscellaneous issues as a victim of traumatic brain injury and disability.
In conclusion, Gardenia C. Hung has paid in excess of $5,159 dollars in person to Henry W. Hochstatter, cash, CHASE VISA credit in excess of $2,514.69, and other tangible items, goods, new clothing, medication, food, car gasoline for Toyota SUV R5, telephone deposits, laundry, etc. In addition, Henry W. Hochstatter has received tangible goods such as a White 1993 Mitsubishi 4-Door Sedan, Sears Pro-Form Treadmill which was broken by Henry W. Hochstatter, Toro Snowblower, Wood Garden Chipper, Extension Ladder, several Sears Craftman gardening tools, Ace Hardware White Foldable Fencing, Carpenter’s Leather Caddy, New Clothing, Shirts, T-Shirts, Pants, in excess of $5,600 dollars.
WHEREBY, Gardenia Hung does not owe Henry W. Hochstatter any further cash, credit, tangible goods, or assistance for disability as a traumatic brain injury person.
WHEREFORE, Gardenia Hung petitions for the Court’s Order of Protection while staying as a paying resident invited by Plaintiff at 140 West St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, Villa Park, Illinois 60181, owned by Alex King Construction, Inc.
` 1
Dated this 13th day of August in the year 2010,
Gardenia C. Hung
(Reserved Signature)
Post Office Box 1274
502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road
Lombard, Illinois 60148-8274
Telephone: 630-201-9055
Dated on the 13th day of August 2010, in the Village of Lombard, County of DuPage,
Under penalties as provided by law, pursuant to Section 1-109 of the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure, the undersigned certifies that the statement set forth in this instrument are true and correct, to the best of my ability, so help me God.
Executed in the Village of Villa Park, County of Du Page, in the State of Illinois,
United States of America.
Gardenia C. Hung
(Reserved Signature)
Defendant )
) Case No.: 2010LM002415
COURT HEARING: August 26, 2010,
10:00 AM, ROOM 1003
Now comes Gardenia C. Hung to appear for a trial court hearing to present a Statement of Expenses, Exhibit A, for Rent, Utilities, and Other Expenses Paid To Henry W. Hochstatter since November 14, 2008, and November 17, 2009, in response to the Summons for Complaint in Forcible Entry and Detainer, in order to deny false allegations for wrongful actions filed by Lewis John Craft and Associates on behalf of Henry W. Hochstatter as Plaintiff, upon advise by a third party, not involved in this legal matter. Attached herewith is Exhibit A, Statement of Payments by Gardenia Hung, with paid receipts as proof of payments, to include Rent Receipt paid in cash, while others have been paid by personal check from CHASE Bank, Standard Bank & Trust Company.
Henry W. Hochstatter is demanding $3,420 dollars plus costs for rent and utilities at 140 West St. Charles Road, Apt. B in Villa Park, Illinois 60181 from Gardenia C. Hung who has been paying more than $5,159 dollars in cash, CHASE Visa Credit charges, and helping with Rent, Utilities, Groceries for Good, Household Chores, Laundry, Moving his belongings, Cleaning, and Other Miscellaneous tasks since November 14, 2008.
The following individuals are witnesses to the fact that I have paid cash, credit, telephone charges, and other services for Henry W. Hochstatter while Plaintiff was homeless, without any cash funds from his disability in November and December 2008, due to his recent divorce from Joan Hochstatter Mueller, Addison resident :
InTown Residential Suites, Managers, Steve Schneider, Joe Popek, Lindsay, and others at 350 East Roosevelt Road, Villa Park, Illinois 60181, Telephone: 630-941-9075 from December 31, 2008 to November 17, 2009. During the moving process to 140 West St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, Villa Park, Illinois 60181, Henry W. Hochstatters used our cash deposit for $50.00 at InTown Residential Suites to pay Charlie, a friend, to help him move to the King Construction Building on November 17, 2009. Also, I paid cash to Plaintiff which was used to paid Chuck Pickerill at UHAUL in Villa Park. In addition, Plaintiff has paid cash to Sidney Williams in the amount of $25.00 and other individuals from the cash funds Gardenia Hung has provided for Rent and Utilities. In addition, Plaintiff has paid cash to Farmers Insurance Group, in care of Margaret Ward at 900 Jorie Boulevard, Suite #19, Oak Brook, Illinois 60523.
Motel 66, Roosevelt Road, Villa Park, Illinois 60181, during December 2008.
During December 2009 and January 2010, I paid more than $100.00 in cash with receipt from CHASE Bank in Oak Brook, with a notarized statement from the banker.
Plaintiff invited Gardenia Hung to stay at the same address since November 17, 2009. Henry W. Hochstatter has known Gardenia C. Hung since November 7, 2008 and November 14, 2008 in Villa Park, Illinois while staying at Motel 66 and Intown Residential Suites in Villa Park.
Since Henry W. Hochstatter moved to the same address, there have been several incidents of domestic violence filed as Villa Park Police Reports for domestic violence, threats, screaming, and aggressive behavior since Henry W. Hochstatter started working for Chuck Pickerill at UHAUL of Villa Park and moving to live at 140 West St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, in Villa Park owned by Alex King Construction, Inc. Case-in-point Villa Park Police Report No. 100215002701, February 15, 2010, Time: 18:04, Villa Park Police Department Phone: 630-834-7447, Officer's Name: Blake #353.
Gardenia C. Hung has paid in excess of $5,159 dollars in person to Henry W. Hochstatter, cash, credit, and other tangible items, goods, new clothing, medication, food, car gasoline for Toyota SUV R5, use of Lombard Post Office Box 1274, telephone deposits for AT&T, U.S. Cellular telephone payments, laundry, etc. Gardenia C. Hung has also incurred Chase VISA Credit Card Debt in the amount of $2,514.69 for lodging at Motel 66, InTown Residential Suites in Villa Park, Colonoscopy Medication, Aspirin, Tylenol, and other expenses on behalf of Henry W. Hochtstatter. In addition, Henry W. Hochstatter has received tangible goods such as a White 1993 Mitsubishi 4-Door Sedan, Sears Pro-Form Treadmill which was broken by Henry W. Hochstatter, Toro Snowblower, Wood Garden Chipper, Extended Metal Ladder, several Sears Craftman gardening tools, Ace Hardware White Foldable Fencing, Carpenter’s Leather Caddy, New Clothing, Shirts, T-Shirts, Pants, in excess of $5,600 dollars. Consequently, Henry W. Hochstatter owes Gardenia for CHASE VISA Credit Card charges, expenses, and interest accrued since December 8, 2008.
For the record, Henry W. Hochstatter is a disabled adult, age 55, who receives Social Security Disability benefits monthly in the amount of $1,200, plus Henry W. Hochstatter also works for U-Haul as a truck driver, transporter, and for The Next Generation Auto Shop, as well as for Alex King Construction, Inc. at 140 W. St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, in Villa Park, Illinois 60181. Henry W. Hochstatter receives payment in cash for other miscellaneous gardening jobs, tasks, handyman, gardening work, etc.
Since November 14, 2009, Henry W. Hochstatter does not pay Gardenia C. Hung any money, compensation or cash after moving from InTown Residential Suites to the apartment owned by King Construction Inc. on November 17, 2009, after she has helped this disabled man to move into his new apartment, even when Gardenia Hung has been helping him as a friend, companion, and assistant during his banking matters, social security suspension, divorce court matters, driver’s license return, laundry, household chores, moving from U-STORE-IT in Addison, and other miscellaneous issues as a victim of traumatic brain injury and disability.
In conclusion, Gardenia C. Hung has paid in excess of $5,159 dollars in person to Henry W. Hochstatter, cash, CHASE VISA credit in excess of $2,514.69, and other tangible items, goods, new clothing, medication, food, car gasoline for Toyota SUV R5, telephone deposits, laundry, etc. In addition, Henry W. Hochstatter has received tangible goods such as a White 1993 Mitsubishi 4-Door Sedan, Sears Pro-Form Treadmill which was broken by Henry W. Hochstatter, Toro Snowblower, Wood Garden Chipper, Extension Ladder, several Sears Craftman gardening tools, Ace Hardware White Foldable Fencing, Carpenter’s Leather Caddy, New Clothing, Shirts, T-Shirts, Pants, in excess of $5,600 dollars.
WHEREBY, Gardenia Hung does not owe Henry W. Hochstatter any further cash, credit, tangible goods, or assistance for disability as a traumatic brain injury person.
WHEREFORE, Gardenia Hung petitions for the Court’s Order of Protection while staying as a paying resident invited by Plaintiff at 140 West St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, Villa Park, Illinois 60181, owned by Alex King Construction, Inc.
` 1
Dated this 13th day of August in the year 2010,
Gardenia C. Hung
(Reserved Signature)
Post Office Box 1274
502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road
Lombard, Illinois 60148-8274
Telephone: 630-201-9055
Dated on the 13th day of August 2010, in the Village of Lombard, County of DuPage,
Under penalties as provided by law, pursuant to Section 1-109 of the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure, the undersigned certifies that the statement set forth in this instrument are true and correct, to the best of my ability, so help me God.
Executed in the Village of Villa Park, County of Du Page, in the State of Illinois,
United States of America.
Gardenia C. Hung
(Reserved Signature)
Waiver Response to Summons Complaint
Defendant )
) Case No.: 2010LM002415
COURT HEARING: August 26, 2010,
10:00 AM, ROOM 1003
Now comes Gardenia C. Hung to appear for a trial court hearing to present a Waiver Response to the Summons for Complaint in Forcible Entry and Detainer, in response to the Summons for Complaint in Forcible Entry and Detainer, in order to deny false allegations for wrongful actions filed by Lewis John Craft and Associates on behalf of Henry W. Hochstatter as Plaintiff, upon advise by a third party, not involved in this legal matter. Attached herewith is an Addendum to Exhibit A, Statement of Payments by Gardenia Hung, with paid receipts as proof of payments, to include Motel 66 Room Rental Receipts paid in cash, while other bills have been paid in cash, with Washington Mutual/CHASE VISA Credit Card, by personal check from CHASE Bank, Standard Bank & Trust Company.
For the record, Gardenia C. Hung, age 51 years old, U.S. citizen, former Lombard resident homeowner Victim of Criminal Disaster Demolition at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Blvd., in DuPage County, is not legally married to Henry W. Hochstatter. Neither has Henry W. Hochstatter added Gardenia C. Hung’s name to the Savings Bank Account at Inland Bank in Villa Park nor to the Farmers’ Insurance Auto Policy or the Apartment Lease Contract signed with King Construction Inc. with a cash deposit payment of $1,165 dollars provided by the Church of Christ in Addison, or to the current utilities bill statements for ComEd Electric Company, AT&T Telephone, and/or Comcast Cable Television subscription, all current Rent and Utilities at 140 W. St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B in Villa Park remain in the name of Henry W. Hochstatter only. Gardenia C. Hung is currently working at the Deicke Home for the Retarded as staff only eight hours a week in Lombard, upon referral and arrangement by the York Township General Assistance Director Diane Arturi.
Henry W. Hochstatter is demanding $3,420 dollars plus costs for rent and utilities at the same address from Gardenia C. Hung who has been paying more than $5,159 dollars in cash, Washington Mutual/CHASE Visa Credit charges, and helping with Rent, Utilities, Groceries for Good, Household Chores, Laundry, Moving his belongings, Cleaning, and Other Miscellaneous tasks since November 14, 2008.
Gardenia C. Hung met Henry W. Hochstatter at Grace Lutheran Church in Villa Park on November 7, and November 14-15, 2008, while both parties were homeless seeking shelter provided by PADS in Wheaton, Illinois. Then on November 15, 2008, Henry W. Hochstatter offered Gardenia C. Hung a car ride from the 7-Eleven Gas Station on St. Charles and Addison Road in exchange for Shell Oil gasoline purchased on Westmore-Meyers and Roosevelt Road in Lombard.
Let it be known that Gardenia C. Hung has paid cash, credit, telephone charges, and other services for Henry W. Hochstatter while Plaintiff was homeless, without any cash funds from his disability in November and December 2008, due to his recent divorce from Joan Hochstatter Mueller, Addison resident homeowner, on May 5, 2010.
During December 2009 and January 2010, I paid more than $100.00 in cash with receipt from CHASE Bank in Oak Brook, and a notarized statement from the banker.
Plaintiff invited Gardenia Hung to stay at the same address since November 17, 2009. Henry W. Hochstatter has known Gardenia C. Hung since November 7, 2008 and November 14, 2008 in Villa Park, Illinois while staying at Motel 66 and Intown Residential Suites in Villa Park.
Since Henry W. Hochstatter moved to the same address, there have been several incidents of domestic violence filed as Villa Park Police Reports for domestic violence, threats, screaming, and aggressive behavior since Henry W. Hochstatter started working for Chuck Pickerill at UHAUL of Villa Park and moving to live at 140 West St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, in Villa Park owned by Alex King Construction, Inc. Case-in-point Villa Park Police Report No. 100215002701, February 15, 2010, Time: 18:04, Villa Park Police Department Phone: 630-834-7447, Officer's Name: Blake #353.
Gardenia C. Hung has paid in excess of $5,159 dollars in person to Henry W. Hochstatter, cash, credit, and other tangible items, goods, new clothing, medication, food, car gasoline for Toyota SUV R5, use of Lombard Post Office Box 1274, telephone deposits for AT&T, U.S. Cellular telephone payments, laundry, etc. Gardenia C. Hung has also incurred Chase VISA Credit Card Debt in the amount of $2,514.69 for lodging at Motel 66, InTown Residential Suites in Villa Park, Colonoscopy Medication, Aspirin, Tylenol, and other expenses on behalf of Henry W. Hochtstatter. In addition, Henry W. Hochstatter has received tangible goods such as a White 1993 Mitsubishi 4-Door Sedan, Sears Pro-Form Treadmill which was broken by Henry W. Hochstatter, Toro Snowblower, Wood Garden Chipper, Extended Metal Ladder, several Sears Craftman gardening tools, Ace Hardware White Foldable Fencing, Carpenter’s Leather Caddy, New Clothing, Shirts, T-Shirts, Pants, in excess of $5,600 dollars. Consequently, Henry W. Hochstatter owes Gardenia for CHASE VISA Credit Card charges, expenses, and interest accrued in the amount of $2,514.69 remaining balance not paid off, since November 17, 2009.
For the record, Henry W. Hochstatter is a disabled adult, age 55, who receives Social Security Disability and Medicare Health benefits monthly in the amount of $1,200 deposited monthly into a Savings Account at Inland Bank in Villa Park, plus Henry W. Hochstatter also works for U-Haul as a truck driver, transporter, and for The Next Generation Auto Shop, as well as for Alex King Construction, Inc. at 140 W. St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, in Villa Park, Illinois 60181. Henry W. Hochstatter receives payment in cash for other miscellaneous gardening jobs, tasks, handyman, gardening work, etc.
Since November 14, 2009, Henry W. Hochstatter does not pay Gardenia C. Hung any money, compensation or cash after moving from InTown Residential Suites to the apartment owned by King Construction Inc. on November 17, 2009, after she has helped this disabled man to move into his new apartment, even when Gardenia Hung has been helping him as a friend, companion, and assistant during his banking matters, social security suspension, divorce court matters, driver’s license return, laundry, household chores, moving from U-STORE-IT in Addison, and other miscellaneous issues as a victim of traumatic brain injury and disability. Henry W. Hochstatter was suffering from flu-like symptoms with coughing and dizziness which required to see Medical Doctor Eyad Homedi, M.D. Midwest Family Practice in Bloomingdale for the flu shot, and Doctor Uptal Parekh, M.D., Gastroenterologist and Internal Medicine specialist in Addison for a colonoscopy due to three (3) active colon ulcers. In addition, to seeing an ear specialist for treatment and removal of excessive earwax. Henry W. Hochstatter has a history of psychiatric care and hospitalization.
In conclusion, Gardenia C. Hung has paid in excess of $5,159 dollars in person to Henry W. Hochstatter, cash, CHASE VISA credit in excess of $2,514.69, and other tangible items, goods, new clothing, medication, food, car gasoline for Toyota SUV R5, telephone deposits, laundry, etc. In addition, Henry W. Hochstatter has received tangible goods such as a White 1993 Mitsubishi 4-Door Sedan, Sears Pro-Form Treadmill which was broken by Henry W. Hochstatter, Toro Snowblower, Wood Garden Chipper, Extension Ladder, several Sears Craftman gardening tools, Ace Hardware White Foldable Fencing, Carpenter’s Leather Caddy, New Clothing, Shirts, T-Shirts, Pants, in excess of $5,600 dollars.
WHEREBY, Gardenia Hung does not owe Henry W. Hochstatter any further cash, credit, tangible goods, or assistance for disability as a traumatic brain injury person.
WHEREFORE, Gardenia Hung petitions for the Court’s Order of Protection while staying as a paying resident invited by Plaintiff at 140 West St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, Villa Park, Illinois 60181, owned by Alex King Construction, Inc.
Dated this 21st day of August in the year 2010,
Gardenia C. Hung
(Reserved Signature)
Post Office Box 1274
502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road
Lombard, Illinois 60148-8274
Telephone: 630-201-9055
Under penalties as provided by law, pursuant to Section 1-109 of the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure, the undersigned certifies that the statement set forth in this instrument are true and correct, to the best of my ability, so help me God.
Executed in the Village of Villa Park, County of Du Page, in the State of Illinois,
United States of America.
Gardenia C. Hung
(Reserved Signature)
Dated on the 21st day of August 2010, in the Village of Lombard, County of DuPage, Illinois
Defendant )
) Case No.: 2010LM002415
COURT HEARING: August 26, 2010,
10:00 AM, ROOM 1003
Now comes Gardenia C. Hung to appear for a trial court hearing to present a Waiver Response to the Summons for Complaint in Forcible Entry and Detainer, in response to the Summons for Complaint in Forcible Entry and Detainer, in order to deny false allegations for wrongful actions filed by Lewis John Craft and Associates on behalf of Henry W. Hochstatter as Plaintiff, upon advise by a third party, not involved in this legal matter. Attached herewith is an Addendum to Exhibit A, Statement of Payments by Gardenia Hung, with paid receipts as proof of payments, to include Motel 66 Room Rental Receipts paid in cash, while other bills have been paid in cash, with Washington Mutual/CHASE VISA Credit Card, by personal check from CHASE Bank, Standard Bank & Trust Company.
For the record, Gardenia C. Hung, age 51 years old, U.S. citizen, former Lombard resident homeowner Victim of Criminal Disaster Demolition at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Blvd., in DuPage County, is not legally married to Henry W. Hochstatter. Neither has Henry W. Hochstatter added Gardenia C. Hung’s name to the Savings Bank Account at Inland Bank in Villa Park nor to the Farmers’ Insurance Auto Policy or the Apartment Lease Contract signed with King Construction Inc. with a cash deposit payment of $1,165 dollars provided by the Church of Christ in Addison, or to the current utilities bill statements for ComEd Electric Company, AT&T Telephone, and/or Comcast Cable Television subscription, all current Rent and Utilities at 140 W. St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B in Villa Park remain in the name of Henry W. Hochstatter only. Gardenia C. Hung is currently working at the Deicke Home for the Retarded as staff only eight hours a week in Lombard, upon referral and arrangement by the York Township General Assistance Director Diane Arturi.
Henry W. Hochstatter is demanding $3,420 dollars plus costs for rent and utilities at the same address from Gardenia C. Hung who has been paying more than $5,159 dollars in cash, Washington Mutual/CHASE Visa Credit charges, and helping with Rent, Utilities, Groceries for Good, Household Chores, Laundry, Moving his belongings, Cleaning, and Other Miscellaneous tasks since November 14, 2008.
Gardenia C. Hung met Henry W. Hochstatter at Grace Lutheran Church in Villa Park on November 7, and November 14-15, 2008, while both parties were homeless seeking shelter provided by PADS in Wheaton, Illinois. Then on November 15, 2008, Henry W. Hochstatter offered Gardenia C. Hung a car ride from the 7-Eleven Gas Station on St. Charles and Addison Road in exchange for Shell Oil gasoline purchased on Westmore-Meyers and Roosevelt Road in Lombard.
Let it be known that Gardenia C. Hung has paid cash, credit, telephone charges, and other services for Henry W. Hochstatter while Plaintiff was homeless, without any cash funds from his disability in November and December 2008, due to his recent divorce from Joan Hochstatter Mueller, Addison resident homeowner, on May 5, 2010.
During December 2009 and January 2010, I paid more than $100.00 in cash with receipt from CHASE Bank in Oak Brook, and a notarized statement from the banker.
Plaintiff invited Gardenia Hung to stay at the same address since November 17, 2009. Henry W. Hochstatter has known Gardenia C. Hung since November 7, 2008 and November 14, 2008 in Villa Park, Illinois while staying at Motel 66 and Intown Residential Suites in Villa Park.
Since Henry W. Hochstatter moved to the same address, there have been several incidents of domestic violence filed as Villa Park Police Reports for domestic violence, threats, screaming, and aggressive behavior since Henry W. Hochstatter started working for Chuck Pickerill at UHAUL of Villa Park and moving to live at 140 West St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, in Villa Park owned by Alex King Construction, Inc. Case-in-point Villa Park Police Report No. 100215002701, February 15, 2010, Time: 18:04, Villa Park Police Department Phone: 630-834-7447, Officer's Name: Blake #353.
Gardenia C. Hung has paid in excess of $5,159 dollars in person to Henry W. Hochstatter, cash, credit, and other tangible items, goods, new clothing, medication, food, car gasoline for Toyota SUV R5, use of Lombard Post Office Box 1274, telephone deposits for AT&T, U.S. Cellular telephone payments, laundry, etc. Gardenia C. Hung has also incurred Chase VISA Credit Card Debt in the amount of $2,514.69 for lodging at Motel 66, InTown Residential Suites in Villa Park, Colonoscopy Medication, Aspirin, Tylenol, and other expenses on behalf of Henry W. Hochtstatter. In addition, Henry W. Hochstatter has received tangible goods such as a White 1993 Mitsubishi 4-Door Sedan, Sears Pro-Form Treadmill which was broken by Henry W. Hochstatter, Toro Snowblower, Wood Garden Chipper, Extended Metal Ladder, several Sears Craftman gardening tools, Ace Hardware White Foldable Fencing, Carpenter’s Leather Caddy, New Clothing, Shirts, T-Shirts, Pants, in excess of $5,600 dollars. Consequently, Henry W. Hochstatter owes Gardenia for CHASE VISA Credit Card charges, expenses, and interest accrued in the amount of $2,514.69 remaining balance not paid off, since November 17, 2009.
For the record, Henry W. Hochstatter is a disabled adult, age 55, who receives Social Security Disability and Medicare Health benefits monthly in the amount of $1,200 deposited monthly into a Savings Account at Inland Bank in Villa Park, plus Henry W. Hochstatter also works for U-Haul as a truck driver, transporter, and for The Next Generation Auto Shop, as well as for Alex King Construction, Inc. at 140 W. St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, in Villa Park, Illinois 60181. Henry W. Hochstatter receives payment in cash for other miscellaneous gardening jobs, tasks, handyman, gardening work, etc.
Since November 14, 2009, Henry W. Hochstatter does not pay Gardenia C. Hung any money, compensation or cash after moving from InTown Residential Suites to the apartment owned by King Construction Inc. on November 17, 2009, after she has helped this disabled man to move into his new apartment, even when Gardenia Hung has been helping him as a friend, companion, and assistant during his banking matters, social security suspension, divorce court matters, driver’s license return, laundry, household chores, moving from U-STORE-IT in Addison, and other miscellaneous issues as a victim of traumatic brain injury and disability. Henry W. Hochstatter was suffering from flu-like symptoms with coughing and dizziness which required to see Medical Doctor Eyad Homedi, M.D. Midwest Family Practice in Bloomingdale for the flu shot, and Doctor Uptal Parekh, M.D., Gastroenterologist and Internal Medicine specialist in Addison for a colonoscopy due to three (3) active colon ulcers. In addition, to seeing an ear specialist for treatment and removal of excessive earwax. Henry W. Hochstatter has a history of psychiatric care and hospitalization.
In conclusion, Gardenia C. Hung has paid in excess of $5,159 dollars in person to Henry W. Hochstatter, cash, CHASE VISA credit in excess of $2,514.69, and other tangible items, goods, new clothing, medication, food, car gasoline for Toyota SUV R5, telephone deposits, laundry, etc. In addition, Henry W. Hochstatter has received tangible goods such as a White 1993 Mitsubishi 4-Door Sedan, Sears Pro-Form Treadmill which was broken by Henry W. Hochstatter, Toro Snowblower, Wood Garden Chipper, Extension Ladder, several Sears Craftman gardening tools, Ace Hardware White Foldable Fencing, Carpenter’s Leather Caddy, New Clothing, Shirts, T-Shirts, Pants, in excess of $5,600 dollars.
WHEREBY, Gardenia Hung does not owe Henry W. Hochstatter any further cash, credit, tangible goods, or assistance for disability as a traumatic brain injury person.
WHEREFORE, Gardenia Hung petitions for the Court’s Order of Protection while staying as a paying resident invited by Plaintiff at 140 West St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, Villa Park, Illinois 60181, owned by Alex King Construction, Inc.
Dated this 21st day of August in the year 2010,
Gardenia C. Hung
(Reserved Signature)
Post Office Box 1274
502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road
Lombard, Illinois 60148-8274
Telephone: 630-201-9055
Under penalties as provided by law, pursuant to Section 1-109 of the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure, the undersigned certifies that the statement set forth in this instrument are true and correct, to the best of my ability, so help me God.
Executed in the Village of Villa Park, County of Du Page, in the State of Illinois,
United States of America.
Gardenia C. Hung
(Reserved Signature)
Dated on the 21st day of August 2010, in the Village of Lombard, County of DuPage, Illinois
Monday, July 19, 2010
Henry W. Hochstatter Owes Gardenia C. Hung for CHASE VISA Credit Card Expenses
For Your Information: Henry William Hochstatter is demanding $3,420 dollars plus court costs for rent and utilities at 140 West St. Charles Road, Apt.B in Villa Park, Illinois 60181, Telephone 630-833-4032 even when I have been paying more than $5,159 dollars in cash, credit, and helping with household chores, when Henry W. Hochstatter does not pay me any money, cash, or compensation for my assistance doing laundry, grocery shopping, miscellaneous home chores, moving his belongings, etc.
Your Reference: Villa Park Police Report No. 100215002701, February 15, 2010, Time: 18:04, Villa Park Police Department Phone: 630-834-7447, Officer's Name: Blake #353
Gardenia C. Hung has paid in excess of $5,159 dollars in person to Henry W. Hochstatter, cash, credit, and other tangible items, goods, new clothing, medication, food, car gasoline for Toyota SUV R5, use of Lombard Post Office Box 1274, telephone deposits for AT&T, U.S. Cellular telephone payments, laundry, etc. Gardenia C. Hung has also incurred Chase VISA Credit Card Debt in the amount of $2,514.69 for lodging at Motel 66, InTown Suites, Colonoscopy Medication, and other expenses on behalf of Henry W. Hochtstatter. In addition, Henry W. Hochstatter has received tangible goods such as a White 1993 Mitsubishi 4-Door Sedan, Sears Pro-Form Treadmill which was broken by Henry W. Hochstatter, Toro Snowblower, Wood Garden Chipper, several Sears Craftman gardening tools, Ace Hardware White Foldable Fencing, Carpenter’s Leather Caddy, New Clothing, Shirts, T-Shirts, Pants, in excess of $5,600 dollars. Consequently, Henry W. Hochstatter owes Gardenia for CHASE VISA Credit Card charges, expenses, and interest accrued since December 8, 2008.
For the record, Henry W. Hochstatter is a disabled adult, age 55, who receives Social Security Disability benefits monthly in the amount of $1,200, plus Henry W. Hochstatter also works for U-Haul as a truck driver, transporter, and for The Next Generation Auto Shop, as well as for Alex King Construction, Inc. at 140 W. St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, in Villa Park, Illlinois 60181. Henry W. Hochstatterreceives payment in cash for other miscellaneous gardening jobs, tasks, handyman, gardening work, etc. which is not reported.
Please note that Henry W. Hochstatter does not pay Gardenia C. Hung any money, compensation or cash since November 17, 2009 after she has helped this disabled man to move into his new apartment, even when Gardenia Hung has been helping him as a friend, companion, and assistant during his banking matters, social security suspension, divorce court matters, driver’s license return, and other miscellaneous issues as a victim of traumatic brain injury and disability.
In conclusion,Gardenia C. Hung has paid in excess of $4,525 dollars in person to Henry W. Hochstatter, cash, CHASE VISA credit in excess of $2,514.69, and other tangible items, goods, new clothing, medication, food, car gasoline for Toyota SUV R5, telephone deposits, laundry, etc. In addition, Henry W. Hochstatter has received tangible goods such as a White 1993 Mitsubishi 4-Door Sedan, Sears Pro-Form Treadmill which was broken by Henry W. Hochstatter, Toro Snowblower, Wood Garden Chipper, several Sears Craftman gardening tools, Ace Hardware White Foldable Fencing, Carpenter’s Leather Caddy, New Clothing, Shirts, T-Shirts, Pants, in excess of $5,600 dollars. Gardenia C. Hung does not owe Henry W. Hochstatter any further cash, credit, tangible goods, or assistance for disability as a traumatic brain injury person.
Dated on the 19th day of July 2010, in the Village of Lombard, County of DuPage,
Under penalties as provided by law, pursuant to Section 1-109 of the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure, the undersigned certifies that the statement set forth in this instrument are true and correct, to the best of my ability, so help me God.
Executed in the Village of Villa Park, County of Du Page, in the State of Illinois,
United States of America.
Gardenia C. Hung
Posted by Gardenia C. Hung, M.A. at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Your Reference: Villa Park Police Report No. 100215002701, February 15, 2010, Time: 18:04, Villa Park Police Department Phone: 630-834-7447, Officer's Name: Blake #353
Gardenia C. Hung has paid in excess of $5,159 dollars in person to Henry W. Hochstatter, cash, credit, and other tangible items, goods, new clothing, medication, food, car gasoline for Toyota SUV R5, use of Lombard Post Office Box 1274, telephone deposits for AT&T, U.S. Cellular telephone payments, laundry, etc. Gardenia C. Hung has also incurred Chase VISA Credit Card Debt in the amount of $2,514.69 for lodging at Motel 66, InTown Suites, Colonoscopy Medication, and other expenses on behalf of Henry W. Hochtstatter. In addition, Henry W. Hochstatter has received tangible goods such as a White 1993 Mitsubishi 4-Door Sedan, Sears Pro-Form Treadmill which was broken by Henry W. Hochstatter, Toro Snowblower, Wood Garden Chipper, several Sears Craftman gardening tools, Ace Hardware White Foldable Fencing, Carpenter’s Leather Caddy, New Clothing, Shirts, T-Shirts, Pants, in excess of $5,600 dollars. Consequently, Henry W. Hochstatter owes Gardenia for CHASE VISA Credit Card charges, expenses, and interest accrued since December 8, 2008.
For the record, Henry W. Hochstatter is a disabled adult, age 55, who receives Social Security Disability benefits monthly in the amount of $1,200, plus Henry W. Hochstatter also works for U-Haul as a truck driver, transporter, and for The Next Generation Auto Shop, as well as for Alex King Construction, Inc. at 140 W. St. Charles Road, Apt. 4B, in Villa Park, Illlinois 60181. Henry W. Hochstatterreceives payment in cash for other miscellaneous gardening jobs, tasks, handyman, gardening work, etc. which is not reported.
Please note that Henry W. Hochstatter does not pay Gardenia C. Hung any money, compensation or cash since November 17, 2009 after she has helped this disabled man to move into his new apartment, even when Gardenia Hung has been helping him as a friend, companion, and assistant during his banking matters, social security suspension, divorce court matters, driver’s license return, and other miscellaneous issues as a victim of traumatic brain injury and disability.
In conclusion,Gardenia C. Hung has paid in excess of $4,525 dollars in person to Henry W. Hochstatter, cash, CHASE VISA credit in excess of $2,514.69, and other tangible items, goods, new clothing, medication, food, car gasoline for Toyota SUV R5, telephone deposits, laundry, etc. In addition, Henry W. Hochstatter has received tangible goods such as a White 1993 Mitsubishi 4-Door Sedan, Sears Pro-Form Treadmill which was broken by Henry W. Hochstatter, Toro Snowblower, Wood Garden Chipper, several Sears Craftman gardening tools, Ace Hardware White Foldable Fencing, Carpenter’s Leather Caddy, New Clothing, Shirts, T-Shirts, Pants, in excess of $5,600 dollars. Gardenia C. Hung does not owe Henry W. Hochstatter any further cash, credit, tangible goods, or assistance for disability as a traumatic brain injury person.
Dated on the 19th day of July 2010, in the Village of Lombard, County of DuPage,
Under penalties as provided by law, pursuant to Section 1-109 of the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure, the undersigned certifies that the statement set forth in this instrument are true and correct, to the best of my ability, so help me God.
Executed in the Village of Villa Park, County of Du Page, in the State of Illinois,
United States of America.
Gardenia C. Hung
Posted by Gardenia C. Hung, M.A. at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Posted by
High Hopes for Traumatic Brain Injury at Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital
11:15 AM
No comments:

250 E. St. Charles Road,
Alex King Construction Inc.,
Christian Community Church of Villa Park,
Illinois 60181,
Lewis John Craft and Associates,
Next Generation Auto,
UHAUL of Villa Park
Friday, February 5, 2010
$1,348.71US Statement of Debt Owed By Henry W. Hochstatter Incurred During December 2008, 2009, 2010
For the record, I, Henry W. Hochstatter, owe $1,348.71US, one thousand three hundred and forty-eight dollars and seventy-one cents in U.S. dollars to Gardenia C. Hung for the credit usage of the Chase credit card during December 2008 through 2009 and 2010. I asked Gardenia C. Hung to charge the Chase credit card for lodging residential expenses, gasoline, and other miscellaneous expenses at InTown Residential Suites in Villa Park, Illinois during December 31, 2008 and from January 1st, 2009 through November 17, 2009, plus other expenses during 2010.
Under penalties as provided by law, pursuant to Section 1-109 of the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure, the undersigned certifies that the statement set forth in this instrument are true and correct, to the best of my ability, so help me God.
Signed by Henry W. Hochstatter (Reserved)
Executed in the Village of Villa Park, County of DuPage, in the State of Illinois, United States of America.
Under penalties as provided by law, pursuant to Section 1-109 of the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure, the undersigned certifies that the statement set forth in this instrument are true and correct, to the best of my ability, so help me God.
Signed by Henry W. Hochstatter (Reserved)
Executed in the Village of Villa Park, County of DuPage, in the State of Illinois, United States of America.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
FDA 101: Smoking Cessation Products
FDA 101: Smoking Cessation Products
Search Consumer Updates
First, Learn About the Products
The Benefits of Stopping
Nicotine Replacement Products
Products Not Containing Nicotine
If you want to quit smoking, you'll need willpower—and perhaps the aid of a product that's intended to help you beat the addiction.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a variety of smoking cessation products. These include prescription medicines as well as over-the-counter (OTC) products such as skin patches, lozenges, and gum.
Smoking cessation products are regulated through FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, which ensures that the products are effective and that their benefits outweigh any known associated risks.
First, Learn About the Products
While these products are intended to help you quit smoking and improve your health, it’s important to know how they work and what side effects they may cause.
For example, many approved smoking cessation products help users wean themselves from smoking by using specific amounts of nicotine, the drug present in the tobacco plant which is primarily responsible for people's addiction to tobacco products.
And, as is the case with other medications, there are risks and other considerations associated with the various products that consumers must weigh against the benefits.
Reading labels and talking to your pharmacist and other health care professionals are good initial steps to take when considering the use of smoking cessation products. You can also check FDA's Web site for more information on each product at Drugs@FDA.
The Benefits of Stopping
Beating the addiction to smoking will bring you a multitude of benefits. Not only will you lower your risk of getting various cancers, including lung cancer, you'll also reduce your chances of suffering from heart disease, stroke, emphysema, and other serious diseases. Also, stopping will help prevent heart disease and lung cancer in people who are subjected to your second-hand smoke.
Although there are benefits to quitting at any age, it is important to quit as early in life as possible to avoid getting one of these serious illnesses caused by smoking.
Keep in mind that
smoking kills 1,200 people every day in the United States
if you do not quit smoking, you have a one out of two chance of dying of a smoking-related disease
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Nicotine Replacement Products
Nicotine replacement products are one type of smoking cessation product. Designed to wean your body off cigarettes, they supply you with nicotine in controlled amounts while sparing you from other chemicals found in tobacco products.
As you go about quitting smoking, you may experience symptoms of nicotine craving and withdrawal. These symptoms—which include an urge to smoke, depression, trouble sleeping, irritability, anxiety, and increased appetite—may occur no matter which method of stopping you choose.
Available over the counter and by prescription, nicotine replacement products should be used for a short time to help you deal with nicotine craving and withdrawal.
If you are under 18 years of age and want to quit smoking, you should talk to a health care professional about the potential for using nicotine replacement therapies.
OTC nicotine replacement products are sold under brand names and private labels, and as generic products. They are approved for sale to persons 18 years of age and older.
OTC nicotine replacement products include
skin patches available as generics known as transdermal nicotine patches, as private-label products, and under the brand names Habitrol and Nicoderm. These patches are affixed to the skin, similar to how you would apply an adhesive bandage
chewing gum available as a generic product known as nicotine gum, as private-label products, and under the brand name Nicorette
lozenges available as generics known as nicotine lozenges, as private-label products, and under the brand name Commit
Prescription-only nicotine replacement products are available only under the brand name Nicotrol and are available both as a nasal spray and an oral inhaler.
There is important advice to consider before beginning a nicotine replacement therapy.
You should stop using a nicotine replacement product and call your health care professional if you experience nausea, dizziness, weakness, vomiting, fast or irregular heartbeat, mouth problems with the lozenge or gum, or redness or swelling of the skin around the patch that does not go away.
Don’t use any other product containing nicotine while using a nicotine replacement product.
Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding should use these products only with approval from their health care professional.
Talk to your health care professional before using these products if you have
diabetes, heart disease, asthma, or stomach ulcers
had a recent heart attack
high blood pressure that is not controlled with medicine
a history of irregular heartbeat
been prescribed medication to help you quit smoking
If you take prescription medication for depression or asthma, let your health care professional know if you are quitting smoking; your prescription dose may need to be adjusted.
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Products Not Containing Nicotine
Two medicines that do not contain nicotine have FDA's approval as smoking cessation products. They are Chantix (varenicline tartrate) and Zyban (buproprion). Both are available in tablet form on a prescription-only basis.
In July 2009, FDA required both products to carry new safety information in a boxed warning on their labeling for health care professionals citing serious risks for users taking these drugs. These risks include changes in behavior, depressed mood, hostility, and suicidal thoughts or actions.
Read the product's patient medication guide in its entirety if you use or plan to use either Chantix or Zyban. These guides offer important information on adverse affects, risks, warnings, product ingredients, and what you should talk about with your health care professional before taking the products.
Chantix acts at sites in the brain affected by nicotine. It provides some nicotine effects to ease withdrawal symptoms and blocks the effects of nicotine from cigarettes if users resume smoking.
The medication guide for Chantix states that the product is not recommended for people under 18 years of age.
The most common side effects of Chantix include nausea; constipation; gas; vomiting; and trouble sleeping or vivid, unusual, or strange dreams.
In addition to the warnings about changes in behavior, depressed mood, hostility, and suicidal thoughts or actions when taking this drug, the patient medication guide for Chantix cites other adverse affects and risks—including allergic reactions, serious skin reactions, and trouble driving or operating heavy machinery.
Stop taking Chantix and call your health care professional right away if you notice any of these symptoms, or develop other symptoms included in the medication guide for patients.
Zyban helps patients to abstain from smoking; however, the precise means by which it accomplishes this is unknown.
The medication guide for Zyban states that the product has not been studied in children under the age of 18 and is not approved for use in children and teenagers.
The most commonly observed adverse events consistently associated with the use of Zyban are dry mouth and insomnia.
In addition to warnings about the risks of serious psychiatric problems, the medication guide for Zyban cites other adverse events and risks related to this product, including seizures, high blood pressure, and allergic reactions.
Since Zyban contains the same active ingredient as the antidepressant Wellbutrin, users and potential users are urged to talk to their health care professional about risks and benefits of treatment with antidepressant medicines.
This article appears on FDA's Consumer Updates page, which features the latest on all FDA-regulated products.
Date Posted: January 26, 2010
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-For More Information
smokefree.gov and women.smokefree.gov (National Cancer Institute and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - 1-800-QUITNOW (1-800-784-8669); TTY 1-800-332-8615
Helping You Quit
FDA Warns of Health Risks Posed by E-Cigarettes
Search Consumer Updates
First, Learn About the Products
The Benefits of Stopping
Nicotine Replacement Products
Products Not Containing Nicotine
If you want to quit smoking, you'll need willpower—and perhaps the aid of a product that's intended to help you beat the addiction.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a variety of smoking cessation products. These include prescription medicines as well as over-the-counter (OTC) products such as skin patches, lozenges, and gum.
Smoking cessation products are regulated through FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, which ensures that the products are effective and that their benefits outweigh any known associated risks.
First, Learn About the Products
While these products are intended to help you quit smoking and improve your health, it’s important to know how they work and what side effects they may cause.
For example, many approved smoking cessation products help users wean themselves from smoking by using specific amounts of nicotine, the drug present in the tobacco plant which is primarily responsible for people's addiction to tobacco products.
And, as is the case with other medications, there are risks and other considerations associated with the various products that consumers must weigh against the benefits.
Reading labels and talking to your pharmacist and other health care professionals are good initial steps to take when considering the use of smoking cessation products. You can also check FDA's Web site for more information on each product at Drugs@FDA.
The Benefits of Stopping
Beating the addiction to smoking will bring you a multitude of benefits. Not only will you lower your risk of getting various cancers, including lung cancer, you'll also reduce your chances of suffering from heart disease, stroke, emphysema, and other serious diseases. Also, stopping will help prevent heart disease and lung cancer in people who are subjected to your second-hand smoke.
Although there are benefits to quitting at any age, it is important to quit as early in life as possible to avoid getting one of these serious illnesses caused by smoking.
Keep in mind that
smoking kills 1,200 people every day in the United States
if you do not quit smoking, you have a one out of two chance of dying of a smoking-related disease
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Nicotine Replacement Products
Nicotine replacement products are one type of smoking cessation product. Designed to wean your body off cigarettes, they supply you with nicotine in controlled amounts while sparing you from other chemicals found in tobacco products.
As you go about quitting smoking, you may experience symptoms of nicotine craving and withdrawal. These symptoms—which include an urge to smoke, depression, trouble sleeping, irritability, anxiety, and increased appetite—may occur no matter which method of stopping you choose.
Available over the counter and by prescription, nicotine replacement products should be used for a short time to help you deal with nicotine craving and withdrawal.
If you are under 18 years of age and want to quit smoking, you should talk to a health care professional about the potential for using nicotine replacement therapies.
OTC nicotine replacement products are sold under brand names and private labels, and as generic products. They are approved for sale to persons 18 years of age and older.
OTC nicotine replacement products include
skin patches available as generics known as transdermal nicotine patches, as private-label products, and under the brand names Habitrol and Nicoderm. These patches are affixed to the skin, similar to how you would apply an adhesive bandage
chewing gum available as a generic product known as nicotine gum, as private-label products, and under the brand name Nicorette
lozenges available as generics known as nicotine lozenges, as private-label products, and under the brand name Commit
Prescription-only nicotine replacement products are available only under the brand name Nicotrol and are available both as a nasal spray and an oral inhaler.
There is important advice to consider before beginning a nicotine replacement therapy.
You should stop using a nicotine replacement product and call your health care professional if you experience nausea, dizziness, weakness, vomiting, fast or irregular heartbeat, mouth problems with the lozenge or gum, or redness or swelling of the skin around the patch that does not go away.
Don’t use any other product containing nicotine while using a nicotine replacement product.
Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding should use these products only with approval from their health care professional.
Talk to your health care professional before using these products if you have
diabetes, heart disease, asthma, or stomach ulcers
had a recent heart attack
high blood pressure that is not controlled with medicine
a history of irregular heartbeat
been prescribed medication to help you quit smoking
If you take prescription medication for depression or asthma, let your health care professional know if you are quitting smoking; your prescription dose may need to be adjusted.
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Products Not Containing Nicotine
Two medicines that do not contain nicotine have FDA's approval as smoking cessation products. They are Chantix (varenicline tartrate) and Zyban (buproprion). Both are available in tablet form on a prescription-only basis.
In July 2009, FDA required both products to carry new safety information in a boxed warning on their labeling for health care professionals citing serious risks for users taking these drugs. These risks include changes in behavior, depressed mood, hostility, and suicidal thoughts or actions.
Read the product's patient medication guide in its entirety if you use or plan to use either Chantix or Zyban. These guides offer important information on adverse affects, risks, warnings, product ingredients, and what you should talk about with your health care professional before taking the products.
Chantix acts at sites in the brain affected by nicotine. It provides some nicotine effects to ease withdrawal symptoms and blocks the effects of nicotine from cigarettes if users resume smoking.
The medication guide for Chantix states that the product is not recommended for people under 18 years of age.
The most common side effects of Chantix include nausea; constipation; gas; vomiting; and trouble sleeping or vivid, unusual, or strange dreams.
In addition to the warnings about changes in behavior, depressed mood, hostility, and suicidal thoughts or actions when taking this drug, the patient medication guide for Chantix cites other adverse affects and risks—including allergic reactions, serious skin reactions, and trouble driving or operating heavy machinery.
Stop taking Chantix and call your health care professional right away if you notice any of these symptoms, or develop other symptoms included in the medication guide for patients.
Zyban helps patients to abstain from smoking; however, the precise means by which it accomplishes this is unknown.
The medication guide for Zyban states that the product has not been studied in children under the age of 18 and is not approved for use in children and teenagers.
The most commonly observed adverse events consistently associated with the use of Zyban are dry mouth and insomnia.
In addition to warnings about the risks of serious psychiatric problems, the medication guide for Zyban cites other adverse events and risks related to this product, including seizures, high blood pressure, and allergic reactions.
Since Zyban contains the same active ingredient as the antidepressant Wellbutrin, users and potential users are urged to talk to their health care professional about risks and benefits of treatment with antidepressant medicines.
This article appears on FDA's Consumer Updates page, which features the latest on all FDA-regulated products.
Date Posted: January 26, 2010
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-For More Information
smokefree.gov and women.smokefree.gov (National Cancer Institute and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - 1-800-QUITNOW (1-800-784-8669); TTY 1-800-332-8615
Helping You Quit
FDA Warns of Health Risks Posed by E-Cigarettes
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Henry W. Hochstatter Has a Traumatic Brain Injury and a Collapsed Lung with Disabilities

Henry W. Hochstatter survived a Traumatic Brain Injury and was on respiratory support for a collapsed lung with a tracheostomy tube. In addition to several fractures of the bones, arm and leg, over the years. Henry is not to be smoking cigarrettes which are harmful to his health, well-being and long-term life.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Marianjoy Traumatic Brain Injury Support Group: High Hopes in Wheaton
New Year's Resolutions for Optimal Living with Brain Injury
Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Marianjoy Franciscan Healthcare Center in Wheaton
Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Marianjoy Franciscan Healthcare Center in Wheaton
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