Memory is an electrochemical process. Indelible memories result from changes in the nervous system's function on brain cells. There are different types of memory: automatic for procedural tasks; semantic for general information; episodic for specific experiences; script for generalized experiences; and visual versus verbal memory.
Variable factors can influence and impact memory: amounts of sleep, alertness, age, environment, emotions, cognitive effort, storage/retrieval practices.
Brain structure and function can affect memory. The frontal lobes allow a sense of self, arousal, judgement, higher level thinking skills, emotional response, language, personality, word associations, "motor" memory. The parietal lobes provide a perception of touch, voluntary movement, visual perception, sensory integration. The temporal lobes allow long-term memory, categorization, auditory perception. The occipital lobes enhance visual perception.
Deficits Caused by Traumatic Brain Injury Do Impact Memory
Damage to the frontal lobes can affect sequencing information, perserveration, spontaneity, flexibility, attention/concentration, emotional stability, imagination, expressive communication.
Injury to the parietal lobes can impair naming objects, writing words, multi-tasking, divided attention, hand-to-eye coordination, awareness of body in space.
Traumatic damage to the temporal lobes cause memory loss in remembering names and faces, reception communication, identifying/naming objects, short-term memory, sexual interest, categorization.
Impairment of the occipital lobes hinders visual understanding, word/color recognition, academic skills (reading/writing).
Mnemonic Acronyms for Memory Recall include W-R-A-P: Write, Repeat, Association, Picture.
State-of-the-art Memory Aids in the 21st century include the computer, hardware and software, the telephone, cellular or mobile, the iPad devices.
How Can You Utilize Existing Technology To Assist YYou With Memory Recall?
Keys Words To Memory Include: Consistency, Practice, Confidence, Assistance.
From Marianjoy Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare, High Hopes Brain Injury Support Group, "Remembering What I Forgot: Everyday Memory Aids". For more information, contact Dr. Nancy Devereux, Telephone: (630) 909-8607
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